Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Importance of Table Image In Texas Hold'em Poker

Table image in Texas Hold'em poker is one the single most important factors to being successful. Understanding the image you create and how to capitalize on it will put you ahead of a great many of the opponents you will encounter. I find most new players believe it is the cards you get and how you play them that determines the winner of the hand. In reality this is not true in most cases. In Texas Hold'em it is the representation of hand strength up until the final bet after the river. So in actuality it is the represented hand strength and the propensity of your opponents to believe what your representing that is far more important than actual hand strength. This is because at any stage of the hand you can win through the representation of hand strength; where as, you can only win through hand strength if it goes all the way to a showdown.

Table image simply is the type or level of player you appear to be from the plays you make. For example if you call all the way to the river on a draw and other players get to see you kept calling on a draw then in the future they will be more inclined to think you may be betting or calling a draw. Betting and calling on draws in general isn't a good play to make and by your opponents seeing you make this play they will believe your skill level to be low.

You may think this is good because then when you do have a hand they will call your bets and you will be able to extract more money. This is true but what is also true with this type of table image is you won't be able to bet people out of hands very easily. Betting people out of hands is an intrugal part to hold'em. If people think your always bluffing even if your not you will be disadvantaged the more callers you get even if you have a great starting hand. For example you have pocket kings, but because you have the table image of a bluffer players will call with lesser hands. Say your opponent makes a pair of sixes on the flop but decides to stay in even with your big pre-flop raise, and your continuation bet after the flop of half the pot. By him staying in he still has two cards to come that could make him two pair or trips. If you had the right table image he would have probably folded to your pre- flop raise or if not then he would certainly fold his pair of sixes to a continuation bet of half the pot after the flop.

In addition to having weaker hands fold to your aggressive plays many hands will fold out pre-flop allowing you to collect the blinds without having to play the hand any further. The importance of this can't be overstated. Aside from immediately collecting the blinds the aggressive pre-flop play also sets opponents up for later hands. Players don't like to be bet out of hands even if they don't have a particularly good hand. You will find that by selectively playing dominant hands aggressively pre-flop you will at first have most fold to you immediately, but a few more aggressive pre-flop bets and you will find players will call you because they think your bluffing or to see what you have.

I suggest two things for you to understand concerning table image. First that you realize what image you are giving others by the plays you make, and second what image you want to give opponents. Often times when a tournament has just started and blinds are still at level one I will play out a hand to the showdown and show a poorly played bluff. This is like blood in the water. I will then fold till I have a strong hand. By capitalizing on the image that I'm an inexperienced player I will be free to make aggressive bets which will be called if anyone has a hand of medium strength. Of course no matter your intent and starting pocket cards the right cards still have to come out on the flop, turn, and river, but by making the play with a high pocket pair or high connectors like a-k,k-q, or even q-j you know what the board has to look like in order for you to be ahead. This makes for a quick way to get a good chip stack early, and once you make a play like that it casts doubt on your "newbie" image.

One of the best table images to have is that of a tight player who plays few hands and who isn't easily bet out of the hands he chooses to play. This table image ensures aggressive play will respected as a strong hand, and so will get the desired effect. Of course in order to have this image you must be protective of the hands you play. The hands you do play you will need to be mindful of how your play will be interpreted after the hand is shown.

People are creatures of habit. This is why table image is such a large factor. Players will make the same types of plays and calls time after time. You watch your opponents make plays and from this you make assessments on their level of skill, and how they play certain situations. They do the same to you. Texas Hold'em poker is more about psychology than it is mathematical probabilities. By understanding how to use psychological advantages; as well as, mathematical advantages you will know what play to make in order to have your opponent make the play you want him to.


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